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Exploitation minière Exploration minière
2019 — volume 1, numéro 1
The province of Quebec has many characteristics that make it one of the most promising regions for mineral resource exploration and development in Canada and around the world. According to the Fraser Institute, following the annual survey of mining and exploration companies conducted in 2018, Quebec ranks 4th in the world among the most attractive mining jurisdictions for investment. The province of Quebec currently has 25 mines in operation and, with some 24 development projects currently at the appraisal and development stages, this number is expected to increase over the next few years. Nearly 30 metals and mineral substances are mined, making it the most diversified province in Canada. According to the Institut de la Statistique du Québec (ISQ), the value of mineral shipments was $9.5 billion ($G) in 2017, a 17% increase over the previous year. Metal substances accounted for $7.9 G, or nearly 84% of the province’s total mineral shipments, and non-metallic substances accounted for $1.6 G. According to the ISQ, the value of these deliveries is expected to further increase over the next few years to reach $10.3 G (up 8%) in 2018 and $10.8 G (up 4.9%) in 2019.